![]() What is a Secret? When I looked it up at Wikipedia this is how they defined it. Adjective Not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others: "a secret plan". Noun Something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others: "a secret formula". The Secret Formula We've studied the best professional golfers in the world closely and we've looked at their statistics in tournament play over years and what we discovered is a simple secret scoring formula that few golfers know about that helps these great golfers play so well - so often. This golf scoring formula was consistent both with male and female professional golfers and what we discovered about these golfers is that they all have the ability to do three things consistently well when they compete in golf tournaments.
The Professional Golf Success Formula is 12 Pars - 4 Birdies - 2 Bogeys The 70 Percent Golfer Model The 70 Percent Golfer is a tag for any golfer who in practice can accomplish or even exceed a 70 percent score average in the four key performance categories consistently, and then has the ability to transfer this standard to the golf course when competing in golf tournaments. When you practice your golf skills you need to set up your practice routines so that you can accurately measure your level of success when practicing your golf skills. The four key skills to measure are;
You ideally will set up your practice so that you hit sets of 10 golf shots which will make it easier to measure and manage your golf skill development. The following four skill sets describe the standard to aim your improvement at if you have desires of playing top level amateur golf or if you plan on becoming a professional tour golfer.
When you assess your golf skills using our EGIS Golf Performance Zones will help you to know where you stand with you golf skills standard. In the 70 percent model you can see that we are aiming at getting into the red zone with the 4 key golf skill sets. And when you do, you'll be breaking par more often than not. Pro Tour Golf College 70 Percent Model![]() The Elite Golfer Improvement System In our new program The Elite Golfer Improvement System we have produced 10 assessment videos to show you how to set up and assess the different skills in your game from short putting through to to the long game and we've also designed practice routines and drills to help you to practice more effectively. We have also produced a number of videos that show you how to practice with higher intensity simulating the type of pressures you face on the golf course in tournaments as well as technical drills (like the one below) to improve your techniques from short-game to long-game. The following 10 minute video shows you how to practice your approach wedge skills so that you can hit your wedge shots straighter and the correct distance more often which in our 12 - 4- 2 formula will help you to make more birdies in your round. We hope you enjoyed our video and we'll have another next week leading towards the launch of our new program.
If you have any questions please feel free to email us at [email protected] Lawrie Montague and David Milne - Pro Tour Golf College Your Success On Tour is Our Business Comments are closed.
June 2019