![]() The scrapheap of golf is laden with ambitious golfers who malfunctioned on the pathway to golf immortality. In their desperate search for golfing greatness many golfers fail to acknowledge the simple fundamental that underpins all golf success. The lowest golf score wins golf tournaments... “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.” - Albert Einstein As new generations of golfers come through the amateur ranks I have certainly witnessed golf becoming bigger and more complex. Does it make it better though? There are more experts involved in golf now than ever before from many different fields trying to help golfers to perform better on the golf course. There’s certainly nothing wrong with having people help you to be the best you can be is there? Well, I’m not so sure. ![]() It appears that 21st century golf culture is the intelligent fool Einstein describes, trying to make things bigger and more complex. We seem to be getting so lost in golf swing science and theories that for an ambitious golfer to get to the top of the tree he might as Einstein suggests have to have a touch of genius, a ton of courage and the ability to go in the opposite direction. "Are modern golfers brave enough to do what our great golfing forefathers of the past did, and move away from the popular way of doing things and find their own way to golf success?" ![]() When David Milne and I established Pro Tour Golf College our main goal was a very fundamental one; to help amateur and professional golfers to improve their competitive scoring average so they would become more competitive in golf tournaments. The pathway to success at golf can be as easy or as complicated as you want it to be. You can focus all of your energy everyday of your life on searching for the best way to lower golf scores or you can focus on the best way to become too technical and mechanical. If your point your attention consistently towards a simple route to lower golf scores you will get there faster than if you decide on the route of focusing on the bigger and more complex aspects of golf like perfecting your golf swing technique. The Seventy Percent Rule ![]() You might like to try our seventy percent rule which suggests that you spend at least seventy percent of your available time working on your greenside skills and putting. Your goal should be to get at least seventy percent of your greenside golf shots within 6 feet of the hole. When you practice your putting seventy percent of your putting practice should be from inside fifteen feet of the hole and your goal is to hole seventy percent of your putts within this distance range. This simple approach to lower golf scores will work as it’s precisely what the great golfers did to lower their score averages and become more competitive. Great golf is ultimately simple golf. A great short game will transfer tremendous confidence into your long game and lead you to lower golf scores.
Remember it takes a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction to everyone else. Do you think you have the courage and conviction to do that? Lawrie Montague Comments are closed.
June 2019