Have You Ever Had Someone Say to You That You Should Make a Change to Your Golf Swing Technique? Have you been playing poorly for an extended period of time and you may be at your wit's end with your sub-standard performances on the golf course? Logically you may be thinking that if you change the way you swing the golf club it will improve your performances leading to lower golf scores and a happy and fulfilled golfing life. Think again!... In this article I'm going to shed some light on why changing your golf swing might be a very bad idea leading you to more frustration and helplessness than you could imagine. You might think that this is an exaggeration but unfortunately many a struggling golfing soul has lost his way on the path to golf swing immortality because he or she didn't understand the consequences of changing some aspect of their golf swing technique. ![]() Professional tour golfers are continually striving to improve their performances on the golf course because playing standards on the PGA and LPGA tours are continually rising with a greater percentage of golfers at the top of the golf tree. When they make swing changes they have the time and money to do it. These tour golfers can spend many hours working on their changes with the complete supervision of a competent and experienced golf instructor. ![]() So here's three suggestions for how to go about making the change with a minimal amount of discomfort.
Please remember this advice...do not become the guinea pig for some overly confident golf instructor who wants to dramatically change your golf swing to make it look like a tour stars." Only make the change if you truly believe that you will play a lot better than you currently do and make a change to your technique to play better rather than trying to imitate someone playing well at the moment. Making swing changes is a lot more difficult to achieve than you might think,so really think about your decision carefully as the majority of big changes made to golf swings don't make the golfer play better. In other words the failure rate is high, so if you're considering making a big change to your golf swing ask yourself this simple but important question; Am I willing to pay the price? Lawrie Montague Comments are closed.
June 2019