Success in life whether on the sporting field, in the work place, or anywhere else for that matter, gets down to one clearly defined purpose... It’s called your Major Definite Purpose (MDP). Your MDP is the ultimate goal that you wish to achieve in your life. Are you currently a phoney or a phenom? Do you truly work as hard as you can to get what you want out of your life, or... do you coast along waiting for success to find you? Are you able to pursue your goals on your own terms, or, are you pursuing someone else’s goal for them? You can always do more to be more, that’s for sure. Ask yourself these questions to help you define your MDP... 1. Why are you here? 2. What is your real purpose? 3. What do you truly want? 4. What’s currently stopping you from getting it? Define and go after your Major Definite Purpose. Be the phenom NOT the phoney. Lawrie Montague PRACTICE LIKE A PHENOMTHE ELITE GOLFER IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM |
June 2019